Policy & Presence
An Speir Bhean (The Spirit Woman) to Ireland
The Forgotten Successes of Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith
Stephanie Harmon Hood, Vanderbilt University
Tugboat Tug-of-War
The Torrijos-Carter Treaties
Ethan Ross, The University of Chicago
The Start of the Cold War in American Media
Max Kohn, Vanderbilt University
Festering and Nudging
Navigating American Foreign Policy in Response to the Algerian War
George Boardman, Vanderbilt University
Drilling the Dream
The Union Oil Company and the Spark of Western Monopoly 1900-1910
Zachary Gitlin, University of Southern California
Pat Maginnis
"One Woman's Abortion Crusade" with the SHA and ARAL
Claire Reber, Vanderbilt University
Movements & Memory
No Trophies for Second Place
William O'Neill, Vanderbilt University
Abolitionist Artifacts
How Objects Helped End the Slave Trade Within the British Empire
Jordan Mundy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Sound of Silence
Inundation of Celilo Falls
Lisette Isiordia, Pepperdine University
The Segregationist's Scalawag
Reconstruction Memory, Public Pedagogy, and the Rhetoric of Reaction in the Civil Rights South
Max Goldkuhle, College of William and Mary
Infiltrating the Enemy
Police, Military, and Internal Colonialism in the Black Power Movement and Vietnam
Claire Lee, University of Southern California
Land, Labor, and Education
The Emergence of the Savannah Ghetto
Noah Maxwell, Princeton University
Identity & Religion
The Making of Female Martyrs in the Age of Revolutions
Ariana Kretz, University of California, Berkeley
The "Poet's Corner"
Women and Classical Reception in Colonial Maryland
Hilary Gallito, Johns Hopkins University
Gender Ideals in Mesoamerica
A Case of Cultural Contact and Collision
Catherine Stevick, Emory University
Purgatory and Possession
The Unique Mysticism of Afro-Latina Mystics Úrsula de Jesús and Rosa Maria Egipcíaca
Contessa St. Clair, Johns Hopkins University
Faculty Interviews
Dr. Jefferson Cowie
Muthoni Kamau & Sam Schulman
Dr. Samuel Dolbee
Claire Chen
Dr. Ruth Rogaski
Philips He
Dr. Samira Sheikh
Claire Chen
Dr. Paul A. Kramer
William Ledesma
Back Cover Photos of Issue VIII
Photos generously provided by Stephanie Harmon Hood
Description of photos provided in "About the Cover" Letter

Jean Kennedy Smith with Wexford County Council members Eamonn Hore
and Tony & Gemma Dempsey (Hood Family Collection)

Jean Kennedy Smith in the 1930s (Hood Family Collection)

Stephanie Harmon Hood and Jean Kennedy Smith in the 2000s (Hood Family Collection)

The VHR Archive
Below are Vanderbilt Historical Review's previous publications since our founding in 2015. Our first publication was the Spring 2016 Issue.
Photo is The Parthenon in Nashville, Tennessee
Fall 2022 - Spring 2023
Individuals and the Arts
Widowhood, Remarriage, and Power
Chaucer's Wife of Bath and Medieval Sex Positivity
Emmaline May, Sewanee University
(Han) and the Statue of Peace
Transforming the Intangible to Tangible through Sculpture
Arina Cho, Pepperdine University
Artemisia Gentileschi's Reclamation of the "Power of Women" Trope
Radical Female Self-Expression in Renaissance Art
Joseph D'Alfonso, Vanderbilt University
Catherine the Great
"Legal" Monarch & Feminist Philosopher-Queen
William Ledesma, Vanderbilt University
Activism and the State
The Legacy of MaVynee 'Beach Lady' Betsch
Fighting for Black Beach Access since 1975
Lauren Grohowski, Vanderbilt University
For Riveters of the Past, the Future Isn't So Rosy
An Analysis of American Women in the Workplace After WWII
Ainsley Gill, Vanderbilt University
Legal Intervention by the Medical Field under National Moral Crisis
The Vilification of Abortion-Practitioners under Nineteenth-Century United States Abortion Policy
Maegan Hoch, Appalachian State University
Fall 2021
The Oppositional Presence Blackness and Whiteness in the Popular Press During the Austin Murders of the Nineteenth Century
Martha Beliveau, Grinnell College
The Tour de France of Coffee Parisian, Provincial, and Domestic Café Culture during the Bourbon Restoration, 1815-1830
Kellie Giordano, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
The Mystique of the Virtuous Terrorist Russian Revolutionary Terrorism in the 1860s and 1870s Rachel Nirenberg, McGill University
Monuments as Mediators of Memory The Casa del Fascio e dell’Ospitalita in Predappio, Italy
Samuel Fox, Dartmouth College
Protest, Peace, and Memory Linn Park’s Role in Birmingham’s Resilient City Image
Emily Thorington, Samford University
Polari and Camp Homosexual Anti-language and Evolution of Camp Identity in Britain
Grey Cooper, McGill University
Balkan Neo-Nationalism Right-wing Reconstruction of the Macedonian Identity and National Awakening
Nikola Kajmakoski, Loyola University Chicago
“Freedom Through Education” Anarchism and the “Ferrer School,” c.1909-1915
Amelia Christofis, University College London
Empire in the Street Public Fountains as Markers of Ottoman Urban History 1453-1800
Sean Silvia, University of Southern California
Spring 2020
A Shared Exodus: Analyzing the Multi-Confessional Consumption of Abraham Ortelius’s Map of Palestine
Arman Kassam, Stanford University
Una Patria, Un Caudillo: Nationalist Propaganda in The Spanish Civil War
Jack Meloro, University of Notre Dame
Ostpolitik’s Critic and Champion: The Role of Henry Kissinger in Shaping West Germany’s Eastern Policy
Yasmin Samrai, Stanford University
Declarations of Loyalty: The Japanese American Struggle to Prove their Loyalty in the Days Following the Attack on Pearl Harbor
Mason Medeiros, Vanderbilt University
Incarcerated Care-Givers: Japanese Healthcare Workers as the Negotiators and the Negotiated At the Heart Mountain and Tule Lake Camps, 1943
Sarah Jho, Yale University
The Imperial Public at War: The Burgeoning of Civil Society during the Russo-Japanese War
Robin Bradley, The College of William and Mary
James Baldwin in Paris: Liberation, Alienation, and Existentialism
Sophia Loughlin, Johns Hopkins University
Fall 2019
Reproductive Rights and Neoliberal Ideology in Peru, 1990-2000
Anne Yates Pinkney
Frederick Douglass’ 1848 The Influence of European Revolutions and the Call for Political Antislavery Violence
Alec Israeli
The Video Game War Information and Secrecy in Operation Desert Storm
Dalia Bresnick
A Reconceptualization of “Victor’s Justice” The United Kingdom in the International Military Tribunal for the Far East
Alexandrea Keith
Powerful Women Claiming Authority in the Early Republic A Case Study On Elizabeth Powel
Erin Keaveny
“Le Plus Utile et le Mieux Écrit” La Comtesse de Genlis, Madame D’Épinay, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Pre-Revolutionary Literary Discourse on Motherhood and Education
Emma Ratzman
Competition, Charters, and Monopolies The Domestic Political Involvement of The East India Company in the British Revolutionary Period
Cy Abbott
Balancing Horatios Tracing the Posthumous Mythmaking and National Symbolization of Horatio Alger, Jr.
Cameron J. Wong
Tracing the “Triumph of the University” Jefferson’s Tactics during the Virginia Education Debate of 1816-1819
Trent Kannegieter
The Nembe-Brass and the Royal Niger Company, 1856-1895 Political Transformations and the Emergence of Colonialism in the Niger Delta
Charlotte Waldman
“Read Our Articles in American Language” World War I and German-American Identity in German-language Newspapers in Chicago
Mark Teitel
Flash Publications Exposing Hypocrisy & Imparting Titillating Sexuality in Antebellum New York City
Autumn Johnson
Spring 2019
Redefining Chinese American Citizenship Madame Chiang and the Repeal of Chinese Exclusion Laws in 1943
Cindy Kuang, Stanford University
The Case of the Cincinnatus American Neutral Trade in the British Wartime Legal Order Wenhao
Winston Du, Vanderbilt University
Conquest and the Code civil des Français The Code civil des Français and the Conquest of Enlightenment
William M. Kniep, University of Texas at Austin
“God and Liberty” Félicité de Lamennais and the French Catholic Faithful’s Disenchantment with Monarchy
Trent Kannegieter, Yale University
The Casualties of U.S. Grand Strategy ROK Exclusion from the San Francisco Peace Treaty
Syrus Jin, Washington University in St. Louis
Mother Columbia and Uncle Sam Transnational Korean Adoption as a Form of Cold War Soft Power Julianna Marandola, Boston College
Divided by Poppy A Rhetorical Conflict between Missionaries and the British Government on Opium
Eric Zhang, Vanderbilt University
Domestic Diplomacy British Failures, American Intrigues, and Interventionalist Attitudes in the Lead-up to the Overthrow of Mohammed Mossadegh
Jonathan Caleb Harper, Vanderbilt University
Ideology in American Cold War Foreign Policy The Prague Spring Case study
Christopher Riehl, Western Kentucky University
Winter 2018
Valjean’s Escape: Photographs of Haussmann’s Underground Paris
Declan Riley Kunkel, Yale University
Tapping Productivity: Shock Work, Stakhanovism, and Working Class Identity in Central Asia
Perry Ivie Young, Columbia University
Cuban Sponges Scrub World: Sponge Fishing in Cuba’s Gulf of Batabanó (1890-1940)
Hannah Hauptman, Yale University
Buckley and His Bedfellows: Fusionism, Birchism, and the Rise of Conservative Populism
William Field, Yale University
“Every Man His Own Historian” Will Durant and the Price of Popularizing History
Crofton Kelly, Vanderbilt University
Pete Seeger and the Cold War Blacklist Authentic leadership through music in the face of un-Americanism
Nima Mohammadi, Duke University
Settlers, Savages, and Lesage Relations of Reciprocity in New France
Wen Li Teng, The University of Chicago
Sanitation as a Veil The Role of Complex Social Tensions in the Rise of Institutional Racism in Cape Town from 1899 to 1923
Stephanie Zhang, Vanderbilt University
Politicization of Memory: World War II as a Metaphor for Iraq
Patrick Mills, Vanderbilt University
Spring 2018
“O, Desolating War!” The Commemorative Poetry and Politics of Margaretta Faugeres, 1790s New York
Anna M. Lehrman
Questionable Progress Medical Treatment of Shell Shock in the First World War
Rachael E. Jones
British Influence In Operation Urgent Fury A Preliminary Study
Leon Lam
Rhetoric Against Pagans in St. Augustine’s City of God
Olivia L. Jensen
Anti-Communism, Gender, and Race in the Depression-Era South
Katherine Frances Cayton
Building Socialism with Cuban Characteristics Sino-Cuban Relations in the 1990s
Ashley Shiyan Sun
Gendered Justice Elizabeth Fry and the Success of Benevolent Reformation in Nineteenth-Century British Prisons
Dexter Docherty
Soviet Newspaper Coverage of McCarthyism
Frank Spence
“Our Exiled Eyes” Remembering Ireland in Argentina through The Southern Cross
Elizabeth A. Cowan
A Mistress’ Virtue: Women, Brutality, and Evangelicalism in the Slave South
Breck Radulovic
The Good Life: Reshaping Society and Social Values through Public Housing in Red Vienna
Mason J. Herleth
Useful and Beautiful Things: Lizzie Black Kander’s Space for Immigrants and Girls in Milwaukee
Natalie A. Hill
“We Will Give You The Pesos In Cash” Credit and Debt in Nahua Communities, 1540-1620
Fionn Adamian
From Clad in Irons to Ironclads: The Union Navy and Naval Emancipation, 1861-1863
Jonathan Feld
Spring 2017
“The Good War”: Forever Allied Area Bombardment and the Japanese-American Internment in US History Textbooks and Memory
J. Davis Winkie
Love (and Rebellion) Conquers All Why Japanese Women Risked Everything to Marry the ‘Enemy’ in the Aftermath of the Second World War
Madeline Sweitzer
The Forgotten Wreck of the Steamship Sultana How America Forgot the Deadliest Shipwreck in National History
Maggie Corbett
An Armenian from Macedonia The Origins of Emperor Basil I
Michael P. Goodyear
“Allow Me to Call Your Attention to the Situation of the Forts” Misreading the Importance of Defending Eastern North Carolina in the Civil War
Noah W. Janis
Art as Power The Medici Family as Magi in the Fifteenth Century
Janna Adelstein
The Value of Suffering American Civil War: Pensions and Public Perceptions of the Morally Deserving
Michelle Shang
The Race for Looted Gold Swiss: Bank Compliance and Shadow Banking During World War II
Robert Yee
The Making of a National Library: The Library of Congress as a Cultural Product of the Late-Nineteenth Century
Ellen Dement
Fighting for Their Livelihood The Distinctive Nature of American Privateering Culture During the War of 1812
Andrew Grafton
‘History in Bronze’: Reshaping National Narratives of Civil War Memory through Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery, 1868-1914
Caroline Fleischhauer
From Locke to Louboutin: Justifying Fashion Legal Protection with Philosophical Property Theories
Camille Edwards
Fall 2016
Yun Chi-ho at Vanderbilt: The Deep Roots of Collaboration
Christian Talley
The Crucible of Combat: Italian Soldiers’ Perspectives on the Second Italo-Ethiopian War
Ian Shank
“Pictures Worth More than Words”: The Fight for the True Representation of the Four Freedoms
Christopher Zhang
Textbooks as Common Ground: The Alignment of Conservative Activists Against the Texas State Board of Education
Ashton Dubey
The Preacher President: Jimmy Carter and His Public Outreach Program
Andrew K. Mengle
Calculated Caution: Seward and France’s Invasion of Mexico
Laura Grove
From Reform to Revolution: The Transformation of Confederate Ideology and its Legacy
Zachary S. Brown
Facing the Champion of the West: The Origins of Japan’s Wartime Jewish Policy
Maximilian Conley
The Artistic Artifice of the Impressionist Gaze: Impressionism, the Look, and the Modern Social Structure Haley Clouser
Not Your ‘Average’ Coup D’État: The 14 July Revolution and the ‘True Coup’ Question
Katie Fordyce
The Underdog Strategy Transatlantic Consistency in French Alliance, 1745-1755
Kathryn Fuselier
Summer 2016
Vanderbilt and the Vietnam Crisis
Laura L. Grove
An Interview with Professor Michael Bess
Editorial Board of the Vanderbilt Historical Review
“That’s Leaving It Pretty Much Up To Jane”: Gendered Citizenship, Explicit Feminism, and Implicit Racism in the 1922 Cable Act
Sarah A. Sadlier
British Palestine, British Communists, and the “Ideo-Logical” System of Labour Monthly
Emerson Bodde
“More Precious Than Peace”: Woodrow Wilson, the German U-boat Campaign, and America’s Path to World War I
Mary E. Gwin
Rejecting Reason and Embracing Modernized Art: How Victory Over the Sun Revolutionized the Russian Avant-Garde
Olivia A. Valentine
Wiedervereinigung oder Anschluss? The Effects of Reunification in Former East Germany
Wenhao (Winston) Du
The Gilded Age: Allen W. Dulles and the CIA
Sada O. Stewart
Thematic Cartography For Social Reform In Chicago, 1894-1923
Rachel Schastok
Look Forward in Confusion: An Evaluation of Postwar Europe’s Interaction with the Pasthadows
Caley Caito
Spring 2016
A Necessary Medium: The Mary Tyler Moore Show and Media Portrayal of the Second Wave Feminist Era
Kathryn Fuselier
Stars and Stripes...and Shamrocks?: Clinton’s Intervention in Northern Ireland
Sean M. Doyle
“Go west, [old] man”: Horace Capron, Gilded Age Capitalism, and the Development of Hokkaido
J. Austin Schaefer
Executive Inaction: John F. Kennedy and the Civil Rights Crisis
Daniel Ruprecht
Ode to Peace or Prelude to War? The Opening Ceremonies of the 1936 Berlin Olympics as Political
Theater Samuel D. Smith
A Tale of Two Cemeteries The Paris Commune, the Haymarket Affair, and the Politics of Memorialization
Paige E. Pendarvis
The Vietnam War as China’s Watershed
Christian Talley
The Trolley Problem: The Demise of the Streetcar in New Haven
Jacob L. Wasserman
Devotion and Decay: Death in the Late Medieval Imagination
Katherine Dixon
Marechera Meaning in the Shadows
Caleb Kahn Feiring
The Bracero Program: A Historical Perspective on the Perpetuation of Isolated Labor Markets in South Texas
Leigh Avera
US-Haitian Relations Adams through Jefferson and Beyond
Shane Andrew Ewing
History at Vanderbilt: Keeping the Memory Alive: The History of the Vanderbilt Holocaust Lecture Series
Editorial Board of the Vanderbilt Historical Review